Jogging after work

Hello Everyone!


Today, my sister suddenly invited me to go jogging with her, and since it's been a while since I had worked out, I decided to join her to try and get back in shape. We went to the Unity Park in Pagadian City, which is a government owned. there are actually a lots of sports activity we can do in here like swimming, basketball, tennis. badminton, and track and field. it even has a shooting range. the beauty here is that it is open to the public and its free. no need to pay for the entrance. it is also safe because it is inside the government compound.

since we came to jogged, we went directly to the track and field. I was actually surprised that a lot of people are jogging here even though it is a little bit far. me and my sister decided to walk first for 1 lap for warm up. As I was taking my time walking, I was taking pictures of the surrounding. it was really nice because the track and field is rubberized and field itself was surrounded with trees. if you want to breath fresh air this is a good place to do walking exercise. it was also very windy maybe because we came around 5:30pm in the afternoon.





They even have a monkey bar for those who want to the full-body workout. Some are also flipping tires for their workout. I think I will try flipping the tires next time i come here.



After warming up, I were only able to jog for about 5 laps and 5 laps in walking/resting. I really am out of shape. I easily get out of breath. although I got exhausted I actually had fun because we were also able meet some acquaintances.

Thank you for stopping by! 😄

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