
Hello lovely hive people! Want to know things about me? Say yes, please. So here it is. I am Carlle Lawrence Mabunga, a twenty-five year old dad from Tarlac Philippines. I graduated last July 2023 with the bachelor's degree in Criminology. Congratulations to me! I am now entering the "real life". I called it the real life because studying became so fun to me, I got to met new friends and developed a habit of greeting everyone in school. After my graduation, I became so much anxious than before because I believe that I will face the real struggles of the real life in this phase of my life. I took the board exam for Registered Criminologists last February this year and the result is just taking forever as I wait.


As days go by, I want to discover more things and have hobbies that will make me feel less distressed. That's why you don't have to feel shocked when you see me riding my motorcycle around your town haha just kidding. I love going to nature trips with my wife, we go everywhere we want as far as my motorcycle and my fuel can reach the destination. I love going to picnics with her, and my baby sometimes. In our spare time, we go to beaches, rivers, falls and many more because my wife is addicted to swimming, even though she is not a good diver lol. When we are lazy or tight in budget, instead of nature and road tripping, our alternative bonding is binge-watching horror movies while eating our favorite snacks and drinking alcohol-- Oh! It is so fun to have stay-cations once in a while. For us, everything we do is always an adventure. Someday, I also want to go camping with my family. We can't do that now because we have a two year old daughter, you know how hard to handle a toddler outside the house is. They sometimes becomes dinosaurs and just scream so loudly as if they are in the wild hahaha.


While waiting for the examination result, I also am engaging myself with some fun hobbies such as raising chickens and goat. As of this moment, I already have 10 chickens and a goat. I started loving this hobby when my father started taking care of chickens and ducks since the pandemic. I find it satisfying watching the chicks turn into hens and the ducklings into ducks. I also watched them lay eggs and witnessed the eggs being hatched. Soon, I want to have my own farm and raise bigger group of farm animals.


One more thing I enjoyed the most is cooking. People who already tasted the foods that I served say that I am very good at cooking. Well, I'll be humble if I say no because since I was in high school I already learned how to cook from my mom.. and dad I guess. I enjoy cooking because I believe that eating good food leads to a happy and healthy soul. It makes me feel delighted when I cook for my love ones and they finish eating them. But the most rewarding part of cooking is seeing them dance in happiness while eating you food. Like just, how satisfying is that?

Thank you people for dedicating your time reading my introduction up to this point, I hope this made you feel good and see you on my next blogs. And I wish that I am already a licensed criminologist on my next blogs. I will update you soon!

Before I end my introduction post, I want to say thank you to @suteru and @masterzarlyn28 for inviting me here in the community. I also want to thank Canva for making my pictures look amazing!

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