The “Beauty” of Banks!

So… Once again i have to sell some crypto to pay for some stuff and once again i have to make a trip to moon to do so.
And you would think, The Heck that means?
Well, since Montenegro dont have a way to cash any crypto and banks dont accept any money coming from e-banking, i have to go all around to do so with a 3rd country. Luckily i have a very good friend in Portugal that can do that for me. I only have to send him the crypto and he send me the euros with a normal bank transfer.

At this point of the reading you would say wow, this guy have all figured out, congrats, and i hope you dont stop reading because here is where things get interesting…

When i send the crypto lets remember is valued in dollars so i have to send more:

Like you see in the imageup, 250$ in crypto is like 230€, all good.
Sent him 250$ in XRP, roughly 470 XRP like you can see in the image below:

Now he can deside if selling it or keep in it for himself, but thats not the important part.

He proceed to send the bank transfer to my account

It supposedly should arrive inmediatly, he is using Revolut, probably the best, most secure and fastest way to send Fiat money currently. But no, it arrive 18h later to my account. And now is where the banks MAGIC happen 😈

The Bank takes a 30€ commission over any money transfer! and you would say.. How is that even possible? and the answer is “The Heck i know!!”
Since my friend dont pay the USUAL bank fee there of 10$, that means i will have to pay it here, someone always have to pay it!! So 10€ from him + 10€ from my part = 20€.

wait, but you said 30$ before 🤔
Yeap, i did.
I had 3€ in my balance from before and to my wallet arrived 200€ few minutes ago from 230€ sended.
So where are the other 10€??? Bank fee? Again?

In resumen it cost me 252$ to receive 200€ + all the time it toke to do so. and now i question myself, why we allow this to keep happening? When are we going to get rid of the USELESS banks that opress us every day with this fake bullshxx?

The good news is… Banks are going down! Fiat money is going down! And the faster you realize this, the faster will be. They are dying in a very slow and painful death, why posponding the inevitable?
We are basically working for them, we do it to get robbed and abused.

Luckily I HAVE CRYPTO!!!, i belong to the 5% in the world that have and own cryptoassets like BITCOIN or many others. Every day 24k new bitcoin wallets are created, every day people from all the world take their money out of the corrupt bank system and invest it all in crypto!! This is not a thing of a distant future! The future is today.
A crypto transfer (in the worst case) takes 3 min and cost 2$ fee for only the sender. And most important dont need approval of any country or damn banker or corporation.

So what are you waiting for? Get rid of them today! Dont wait for tomorrow because tomorrow will be more expensive to do so. Governments and people in the power know this, and they are fighting, but they are so screwed and they also know it. 🤣

Good day to all of you and may the Bitcoin be with you!!
Dont let the dark side of the force consume you. Come to the side of the progress and freedom!

This is the way! Bitcoin, or something else…


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