Purple - plants galore

The photo essay contest will slowly bring out all my colors - literally. I have a chance to share random photos which prolonged my enjoyment of a place or thing. However, there is nothing more authentic and gorgeous than what nature shares with us. Hence, purple will be only about beautiful plants.

These hanging flowers are just so elegant.

chinese wisteria flowers

Feast your eyes on this Giant Allium - yes you read that correctly - it is onion flowers.

ornamental onion

These pom-pom shapes bloom are bright and cheerful.

floss flowers

I love that I can enjoy a fragrant cup of tea and also changing flowers, from flat

to elongated, from this Liquorice mint plant.

giant hyssop

This tree or bush contrasts so nicely against the green.

smoke tree or smoke bush

Let's come a little closer to enjoy this plant.

The delicate lobelia plant can be blue or purple - I see purple.

edging lobelia


garden petunias

amongst the trees,

large camas

or along pathways. These plants are a delight to look at.

common mallow

Lovely plants can also be found in perfectly manicured botanical gardens,

grape hyacynths

where they seem to go on forever.

dutch crocuses

One's enjoyment can linger - with cut lavender which emits a wonderful calming fragrance.

english lavender

Isn't nature truly amazing to have provided us with such natural beauty, which we can continuously enjoy.

all photos are my own - taken with my iPhone

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