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Let's go green!

It happened to all of us to mix some colours and get a new one. Even if you are not an artist or don't paint professionally (I don't do it either) mixing the colours while we had painting and drawing lessons was cool. It was interesting (although at that time it was not my favourite subject as I found it difficult to draw nicely) as maybe the teachers tried to get us to like the subject and encouraged us to experiment. Many times the mix resulted in a not really attractive colour, something like brown or too dark, but I am sure you know what you get if you mix blue and yellow. The result is green.

Depending on the quantity of yellow that you use, the final green result will be brighter or darker. Mother Nature is also a great artist. So many shades of green we can see, even in the life in one leaf on a tree. They are so bright in spring, then get darker and in the end, in autumn they fade and go back to the yellow colour. Yellow is so important in the green colour.

That is how these yellow flowers made their way into this post, which is supposed to talk about a different colour! This is a week of green in the young, but already busy community, Photo-essay, so I will not digress more. Let's return to the main protagonist and notice the green fern leaves in the bowl, by the yellow flowers.


It was a decoration bowl on one of the tables in the venue where I played this morning my regular Sunday morning gig. During my coffee break, I strolled around the hall and saw more green objects.

Hanging green balls, with green plants. They maybe have to represent our planet. Like a green planet? I always claimed it is blue but as a call for taking care of nature, it can be represented as a green ball. Maybe. Maybe the designers didn't think about it at all. It's our part to see them from our perspective.


However, sometimes we think too much and our cheeks and heads can change colours. Look at these guys for instance. They turned green and their hair was so messy and cool.


Let's try a profile portrait;


It was too serious. The next green-headed friend asked for a front portrait. Much better hairstyle.


The coffee break for me is sometimes a juice or smoothie break. When I do that, I choose to sit on one of these green armchairs:



I could also take my green smoothie to a different table and be closer to my Dreaming Buddha friend. Sometimes we talk or keep quiet while I drink this health booster. Well, today they didn't prepare the green one, but I remember having the photo of it from this post of mine. It was a guessing game to find out the ingredients of this green liquid in the glass.


The only green ingredients they had for the smoothies were kiwi and lime. Several little lime fruits formed a row, cooling themselves on the ice cubes.


Green celery and parsley were also there, as ingredients of a well-known cocktail. Do you know which one?


No, I didn't take it as I had to play my piano and drive home later. I had my car parked in front of the hotel, however, this little green motorcycle was cute. Unfortunately, I wouldn't make a long journey with it, as it was there just as a decoration.


One more green item that I saw at my today's workplace was this teapot set. We can discuss whether it is green or blue, or turquoise, a colour I really like. But sometimes we can't see things just as black or white, I mean green or blue. It's like with the colour of the eyes that Elton John is mentioning in one of his songs. He doesn't really remember if they are green or blue.


But not to confuse the colours, this week's contest is around green! If you like the idea you can join in making your entry (make sure you check the rules and deadline) and bring the green you see with your eyes. All these green items were seen today at the place I worked (if playing the piano means work). Maybe you can also make it simple and see what green objects surround you in your home, in the street, and at your workplace and make your #green-essay. Have fun!
