Do you know what is the most famous purple thing...?

If you want to answer this question right now, in a honest way, don't scroll down to get some hints. No. Let's stay first with a scene from the sky for a moment, that I am lucky to see many afternoons when the sun goes down. I see our mountains and the play of the clouds. They receive some pink, yellow, red, and orange shades and then, they mix with the blue sky. What is the result?
Mountains that I see as purple.


Well, I guess on every screen it is seen differently, but for me, it is somehow a greyish-purple colour. Maybe our perception of the colours is also relative. As the same happens with the taste. Not everyone likes the same colours and finds happiness in them. Though in nature we can see so many purple flowers, just remember lavender, and I am definitely happy to see a huge field of them.

I saw this little purple flower a few months ago. Funny, I am not really good at identifying the flowers in nature I find... we can read more here but to be honest, I tried to find this little guy and had no luck.


Leaving behind nature and moving to the city... and back to the matter of taste. My sister is an absolute fan of this colour. When she was young and got one of her first cars, she painted it into purple. It was an old Fiat500, you know, those cars that are now considered almost classic cars. Once again she got a purple car, a few years ago, and I think she chose that one just because of the colour :D When I saw this motorcycle I thought about her and that she would like to rent it.


This whole love of purple maybe comes from one thing. From one very famous and tasty item that we can buy in the grocery... A Purple Cow is the culprit, I know.
She likes it so much, exactly this type of chocolate that I think she got to love purple because of it.

(my hand is not that small, it is the chocolate that is big 😁)


However, the Purple Cow is not bringing just chocolate. We see that it can bring also blankets, purple blankets.


Another purple blanket but without the white stains.


I am using these blankets when it is getting a bit cold in autumn. They are not so thick but they serve to cover myself if I want to read a book on my couch. A purple book, of course!

The God of the Hive. I spotted this book on one shelf where you can leave your old books and take another one you want. The title got me in the first instance, but now, it is the colour that matches this post.


So, do you know what is the most famous and tasty purple thing in the entire world?


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