Red-essay Contest: My red objects.

Greetings #hive beautiful people, I hope you are well. Today I take the opportunity to participate in this fun #red-essay contest from the @photo-essay community, which made me relive memories. For me the color RED means Love, intensity and passion. In my photo archive I have no pure red only one which you will see below.
Then I searched my art and toy drawer from my childhood (yes, I still have some toys) here I got some red ones. These amigurumis knitted by me. There's also this vintage cart from a cologne of my grandfather's, my mom faithfully preserves the packaging.

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As you can see I have this pencil that measures 37 cm. For giants ha,ha,ha 😆.

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These are some cherries 🍒 that I knitted, amigurumis technique.

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My first red color, from elementary school, which I still have as a souvenir. By the way of good quality, today's ones are bad, the tips break frequently.

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This is the last red color I bought, to paint drawings, another passion I like to do.

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This Winnie Pooh, is also knitted by me, although it has little red in it.

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This is a card game, one of my favorites.

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This fast charging USB cable is a must-have for charging your cell phone.

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I knitted this amigurumi reindeer in December.

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-23 at 12.29.26 PM.jpeg

I invite to participate to the #red-essay contest. This is it link

You have reached the end of my post. Thanks for reading me❤️ Have a nice day 😊❤️ If you need help, do not hesitate to write me on my Discord Ivycrafts#0396.❤️

Has llegado al final de mi publicación. Gracias por leerme❤️ Ten un lindo día 😊❤️ Si necesitas ayuda no dudes en escribirme a mi Discord Ivycrafts#0396.❤️

Text and photos are my authorship. Text translated with DeepL. Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 8. Text separator created with Canva Pro.

Texto y fotos son de mi autoría. Texto traducido con DeepL. Fotos sacadas con mi Xiaomi Redmi 8. Separador de texto creado con Canva Pro.





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