Winners anouncement #green-essay 💚🌲🍏📗👽👕

Good day ,

I'm delighted with the amount of contributors and the diversity of green subjects , i can only hope that the new #red-essay will continue in this way.

We had more then 20 competitors this week ,
and there can only be 10 winners this week so..
I know I have to dissapoint some of you this week, but don't let that stop you from competing in the new contest #red-essay.

Here are the winners of #green-essay in non specific order :


by :@jlinaresp


by : @mariamor785


by : @oceanbee


by : @bluemoon


by :@lorennys


by : @denisda


by : @llunasoul


by : @xuwi


by : @usagigallardo015


by : @mipiano

The prices have been send to the winners , a great thank you to @ecency for the sponsoring of the points again.

If you have the time have a look at all #green-essay posts ,
they really are a joy to watch.

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

Posted using Ecency Coin

You can find me on Ecency Discord

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