Photo-essay contest nr 6 #White-essay

First of all i want to apologise for not being active this past week due to the hot weather, normally i'm a lot more active on commenting but i really have issues with the summer tempertures we have .

So this week will be all about the color White, yes technicly white isn't a color but still , find White subjects make a decent photo and write a story.
I never thought i had that many white subjects in a photo .

Make sure you photos are in focus , or atleast the white subject you want to share is in focus :)

minimum of 5 of your own photos with white subject
minimum of 150 words
use the #white-essay tag
post in the Photo-essay community /created/hive-14396

You have until Friday June 30th 23:59 / 11:59PM GMT +2 to post your post.

The 10 winners will be anounced on Saturday Juli 1st .
yes 10 , all 10 winners will receive 200 Ecency points sponsored by @ecency .

So good luck to you all in this contest.

Here are some White examples from my own archive just for insparation not a mandatory to follow.

A white swan

white flower

white fungus

white bread

White rhodondendron

frozen white spider web

white flower with hover fly

white lilac

white crab spider


white horse decoration

more white flowers

Sawfly larva

white swan

blackbery flowers

Cocus shavings on a donut

Double parked white cat

white phlox flowers

white alium flowers

white aster

lilly of the valley

white paper flower

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' / Lamprocapnos spectabilis / bleeding heart / gebrokenhartje

white strawbery flower

white poppy

white sail on a boat

white poppy with drone fly

let it snow

Clown with white makeup

white poppy

white goose

White whiskers

white clouds

White Aquilegia vulgaris / Columbine / Akelei

White Matricaria

white crocuses

white paeonie

white snowdrop

white iris

White Sorbus

sawfly larva

white frozen daisy

white sail on a boat

white hamster

White Wallaby

white Hydrangea

white alium

boats with white sails

White Muscari

raindrops on a white flower

white snowdrop

white Hydrangea with butterflies

white Hydrangea

more snow

white daisies

white Hydrangea

white fungus

white Alcea rosea

white water lilly

whiute Anthurium

white feather

white austin martin

details of a white wedding dress

white poppy

white trumpet flower

white crabspider with a bee

white rose

All images created by me @stresskilller

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

Posted using Ecency Coin

You can find me on Ecency Discord

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