Crawl, Crawl!!

Well, finding the name of this web threading spider is as hard as the day I took the photos of this spider. I have tried to search the name of this spider online for quite sometimes, but somehow it seems that it is not registered just yet. maybe I should start trying to find out how to do the identification, and make a new name for the insect that I shoot next time. haha.

but yeah, this was a hard spider to photograph, it was mostly because the place it was resting or setting up its little web which was on the underside of a bush's branches and leaves. hhmmm. I might say that the web is a lot smaller than its body, something that is not very usual in the web threading type of spider, because usually it will make a bigger web, a lot bigger than its body size.



The other thing was that the sun was shining so bright that day, and it fell right on the leaves above this spider, some even went through the gap of the leaves, so I get some blown out leaves on these shot. I was using a lot stronger power of my flash than I usually use just to get the spider well exposed.


look at the color pattern on its body, but I like the mouth part, which looked like a black ball, and its longs hairy legs. But overall this is such a beautiful spider that I encountered for the first time that day.



Photo StyleMacro PhotographyAccesory50 mm Canon lens + adapter + Extension Tube
LocationBali, IndonesiaLightingExternal Flash
GearOlympus Omd Em5 mark iiDiffuserCekrek Diffuser

I am a Balinese man, a father of a toddler son, working in the hospitality industry, who has recently found a passion for macro photography. I want to share the photos that I've taken here on Hive. I appreciate any comments or feedback you leave on my posts and kindly invite you to be part of my journey in this vast Hive Ocean. Thank you very much
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