White, the color of purity!

This time we are invited to use white, even if white is not a color. Almost all of us consider it a color.

White, the color of purity!

I have difficulty with white in photos, especially if it is very bright and shiny, and for this reason, I avoid these photos, especially of flowers. When I saw the theme of the week in Photo-essay contest nr 6 #White-essay I was convinced that I would not find enough photos, i.e. the minimum necessary to participate.

It was a big surprise when I searched through my archive to find some. I searched in the archive because I am lazy enough to start hunting for colors and photos, but I hope that in the near future, I will take photos specifically for the theme.

Until that happens, I want to put the photo I like best for this theme, even if it's not a very well-framed photo. Obviously, when I pressed the shutter release on the camera I wasn't thinking at all, but absolutely not about any particular color, I was just interested in capturing that snapshot. It's only now that I see that white is well represented!

In the port of Limenas on the island of Thassos, Greece.

A flower can't miss. I do, however, have quite a few photos of flowers in general, and a few of white flowers. I'm not happy with them, but I have to use at least one...

Spring, I don't know which, and some cherry flowers.

I think you can see how desperate I am if I'm also ready to use this photo of a..

Coincidentally white, coffee cup, coffee to go.

Random photos so far, unrelated, taken at different times and places.

An old walk in a newer park in Bucharest brought me several photos that I think fit the theme.

This one doesn't, it just makes the introduction to the location...

Bordei Park in the north of Bucharest.

This park, to be respectable, also has a lake. As a newly developed park, it had to comply with the new rules encouraging walking and cycling, and a bridge was built to do so.

Incidentally white!

I think I have to thank the builders!

More than that. Someone wrote on the bridge "Forbidden Fishing".
I have to thank him for using white paint too!

Even though it was built specifically for walking and biking, the park administrators thought that there might be some brainless who might want to try driving on this little bridge. They've even put in a few barriers...

In the end, I have to say that I'm glad I found something to participate in this contest, not out of a desire to win anything more than the opportunity to make another post. I think I can afford to leave a tip here for those who have not yet been nominated among the winners...

We should all be thankful that we had the opportunity to post something that is sure to be read by someone!

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