First Time Green

Always a joy to discover a community where my interests fit in. One of my interests is photography and how it can help me express myself in writing. Because I express myself rather poorly in writing and my photographs are more than amateur, I hope that together, meaning photographs plus a story, it will be more than each one separately!

I saw this tag, #photo-essay, in a post the other day, but I didn't try to find out more until I read another post, written by @mipiano, and I understood that this tag and this community can have a nice future, especially since I've known one of the administrators for many years (@melinda010100) and the other one has a name (or maybe a job?) that I like (@stresskiller).

According to the name of an administrator, I don't find participating in this competition stressful at all at the moment. Because of the time we have to post as well as the themes that seem easy right now (which is fine).

This week is green! "First Time Green" is meant to signify my first entry in this contest and the fact that I've already won, even before I post anything. I won something important to me. An idea for a new post!

The passing of the green through the seasons...

Now it is early summer, still the strong, raw green of spring has not been changed by the coming heat. In the city where I live, Bucharest, in Romania, there is a small park with an even smaller pond in the middle. This pond fills up in summer with Egyptian lotuses. A flower is not at all of the climates here, so all the more valuable for us. Every year I wait for the lotus to bloom, which happens towards the end of July.

The photo is from last year. Now, when I'm waiting for the lotuses to bloom again, I'm content with the green I see every day through my living room window. It's the view I love most, it's a real stress killer!, haha...

What I see through the window I can also see from my small yard, the ones guilty of so much green are the five birch trees I crammed into the 70 square meters in front of the house.

Time passes so quickly that I know I'll notice too late that autumn is here. I know it's five months away, but I remember that these leaves were once all green!

In recent years autumn has been mixing with winter, they have switched places between them. In my four-season country, most of the trees lose their leaves in winter, but fortunately, there are some plants that stay green in winter...

Even I planted some bamboo in the street in front of the house, bamboo that also stays green in winter. Bamboo is a grass, thin and flexible, and the heavy snow drags it to the ground. Fortunately, it gets up as soon as it sheds its weight.

It's obvious that I used my old photos from the archive. I wanted to have other images in the photos, not just the ones that were easier to render, i.e. with plants.

I'm glad I found the above photo because in addition to the bamboo, chance has it that my wife is dressed in a green coat, has green shoes and my neighbor's house has a fence and a few other green elements.

To close the circle, spring has come and gone...

This is my first post in this new community. I'm glad I did this, I enjoyed it and look forward to the new theme which I hope I'll be better prepared for!

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