About The Sea

The sea I like...

I feel a great attraction towards the sea and have managed to turn the sea into one of my great passions. This happened gradually. It started from a total ignorance that somewhere, in this world, there is a sea.

The sea also ignored me and didn't call me to it until after I came of age after I turned 18. To be as accurate as possible I have to say that after I was admitted to high school I started hearing more about the sea and what it was like to be around it.

The high school I attended was an important high school in Bucharest, with very good teachers and students, most of whom were very special.

What does that mean? It means that in the years 1968-1972, in communist Romania, most of the children of the communist nomenklatura, i.e. the children of the communist leaders of the country, studied at that high school.

As a Working Class Hero, I was less heroic and landed there in a favorable and unexpected conjuncture.

WORKING CLASS HERO - John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band

My point now is that these kids of special status spent their summer vacations at... the sea. In autumn, after the new school year started, they always talked about the sea and what they did there. That's how I found out what one can do at the sea.

My curiosity started pushing me to want a holiday by the sea, which my parents were unwilling to offer me. A rather serious illness, a period spent in hospital, and my parents' fear that I might leave this existence quite early made them promise me the long-dreamed holiday by the sea... if I promised to stay alive!

I thought it was worth it, got healthy and that's how I got to see the sea once I came of age.

It was love at first sight and... definitive. From that moment on I went every year to the sea, where I sometimes stayed for half a month and a day or two.

I have experienced the sea in so many ways. From the simple to the more sophisticated experiences. I think it was an evolution... and I've come to understand what I like best and why.

The sea that I like... is the sea, simply the sea, the sea without too many amenities, the sea without crowds, the untouristic sea. It's the sea I didn't have as a child. It's the sea I would have loved to grow up next to!

In the following photos, I will try to show a short getaway to the sea, a sea as I like it.

Every road should lead to the sea.


As a beautiful Romanian song says..."I'd like to be again the child who runs to the sea"

VAMA - The child running to the sea

Fortunately, my wife is also a big fan of the sea.

I grew up in the country. From morning till night, I was in fields similar to the ones in the photos. Only one thing was missing to make it perfect. You guessed it. The sea!



The sea suddenly appears at the end of the road. You can't help but be happy when you see it!




Instead of hotels and restaurants by the sea, I like to see flowers. Now notice that this photo continues the three colors of the Romanian flag. Red, yellow, and blue! ... and we're not even in Romania here.


And yet, I can't forget the joy of sitting, drinking, and eating by the sea. Here is a successful symbiosis between the wild sea and a place of leisure...


... and admire the sea. The sea was at first blue and then...


...silver, with silver borrowed from the moon.


Moving on to the land-based ones, it was a great meal, especially with fish and shellfish from that place, that place in the Black Sea.


Fortunately, this place retains its simple, peachy look. It lacks the air of a seaside resort restaurant.


After a few hours spent close to the sea, after a few hours when you can only forget where you came from, you have, unfortunately, to go home. We had another 300 km to go.


It's just that parting from the sea is always very hard, you can't turn your back on it.



The moon has appeared. The sea and the moon!


One last look at the sea. You never know if it will be the last or the most recent... Such is life!

Twilight is a moment of silence. The blending of day and night. It's also called the hour of the wolf, a time for suicide. Not now. I remain hopeful that I will see the sea again.




Love for the sea is told through words and a short visit to Dalboka, on the Black Sea in Bulgaria, is told through pictures.

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