Red-Essay Contest: Red flowers.

The color red represents power, strength, energy, passion, striking, cheerful, with all those attributes that the color red has, possibly why it has so many followers and we see it in its presentation of different shades. Again I leave my photographic contribution in the community, which this time is #Red-essay❤️, week 5.

So I start with the exercise of the photos with red color. The flower of the ixora, also known as Chinese coral, malt cross, brightens the gardens, this shrub is dressed in red when it blooms, are a bouquet of small flowers.


Flower known as Coral or jatropha. Shrub that upon reaching adulthood blooms a kind of bouquet of small flowers, its striking red color contrasts with the green of the leaves.


In Venezuela, the red flowering cayenne is very common in gardens, avenues and squares, as it is a shrub resistant to inclement weather, also does not require much care, 5 petals that only last a day, when the evening comes the flower is withered, but there are buds for the next day.


The succulent plant Dragon's Eye, Huernia schneideriana, the flower is of a dark red tone, one of the shades of red, more like wine.


Known as zinnia elegans or paper flower, it is a very popular plant in Venezuelan gardens, it does not require much care, once it blooms, it is a natural ornament of an intense red flower that lasts several days.


Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.

I invite you to participate, here the link:



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