Slowly Getting To Know My BBP Axie Team

Disclaimer: I am not a pro in playing Axie yet, what I wrote here is the way how I am slowly understanding the skills and abilities of my Axie team. If you want to know how to play Axie, please DYOR.

First day playing Axie was hard, especially in Arena I had a lot of lose than wins. Our coach even said we had the best team combination, I mean he choose the Axie's thoroughly so we will always have an edge to our opponent but when I played it in Arena at the beginning, I was like “How come this is a good team, when I am always losing?” then later I realized it's not my team problem but it's me.

I am the problem because I don't understand what I am doing, even if I've watched many tutorial video's I still don't understand it. Good thing the tip that friend of Carz made me understand the game better than those videos I watched.

My Axie card stats and abilities


Axie's have stats and abilities that will determine on the cards that the Axie will provide you to battle other Axie's on Arena or monsters in Adventure.

Bird Axie


The bird has 30 HP (health), 58 speed, skill 35 and moral 41. In making the cards can damage the opponent effectively it needs to be in combo or combination. Bird is also the fastest of all Axie's.

Bird best combo is 1 Dark Swoop (this will target the fastest Axie of the opponent) 1 Egg bomb and 2 Black Mail, or 1 Dark Swoop, 2 Egg bomb and 1 Black Mail but there are instances that it one of Egg bomb or Black Mail is not yet on the cards that appears, you can add 1 All Out instead but the disadvantage of this is that it can decrease the health.

Beast Axie


The Beast Axie has 31 HP (health) 43 speed, 31 skill and 59 moral. The highest the moral is the higher the damage. This Beast also works beast when being combo with another beast cards. Among the three Beast has the highest moral which means it can cause more damage when cards are in the right combination.

The best combination of Beast cards that can kill an Axie in single round are 1-2 Single combat, 1 Ivory Snap and 2 Nut Cracker or it can be 1 Single combat, 1 Ivory Snap and 2 Nut Cracker.

Beast has the highest damage because of it's high morale than the Bird and Plant.

Plant Axie


Plant Axie has the highest HP which is 55 that is why it should be the Tank (First Axie), has 31 speed, 31 skill and 47 moral. Plant is used to be the tank because it has higher health which means it will not die easily especially when a player keep adding shield on it.

To make this Plant Axie last longer, a player must used the October treats, it is a shield card and the shield counts depends on your Axie level. It can also attack other tank axie using the other cards, it also has free card that doesn't cost energy which is the Disguise.


Closing Thoughts

That's the basic things that I understand in my current Axie team, I am still on learning phase and trying to be a better player. But I must say, I enjoyed the game and I think I am not bad at all considering I can achieve my daily quota.

After reaching daily quota, I can do other stuff like making noise, writing, replying to all of your comments and read articles as much as I can.

Thank you for reading!

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