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First Two Days Playing Axie Infinity

It's been wishful thinking to play an Axie Infinity, I've written an article about the journey of my scholarship, you can read it, Journey to AxieBCH Scholarship. I want to play the game for experience purposes.


Although the SLP price now is a little bit low compared to the last few months, it doesn't matter to me because what I after am the experience to play the game, having some fun whenever I get bored but still earning a little.


How my first two Days playing Axie went

Last September 22, 2021, we received our Axie's as the first batch scholars of the AxieBCH guild. We were really happy and excited to play the game. After coach Nazko dm our account details we proceed on grinding.

Until now, I haven't been coached by coach Nazko yet as he was busy giving exams and interviews to the new ones and grinding on Axie as well. Whenever he is vacant I was busy as well.

I got BBP (Bird Beast Plant) team


These are my team, the yellow one is the Beast, the pink was Bird and the green was Plant. What are these? Oh, it's the Axie classification, before you can play Axie you need three Axie's to form a team.

First Day Playing


I woke up at exactly 8 AM on the first day when coach Nazko give the details of our accounts to log in. After logging in, I played at Adventure I quickly done the 10 wins needed on the quest which is to win 10 battles in Adventure.

I was wondering because after completing the 10 wins in adventure my SLP count was still very low like 3 SLP only. I've done 13 adventures and 7 only in Arena but sadly I lose all causing my energy was all wasted, so I haven't got any SLP in Arena.

I don't understand the game even if I watched many videos tutorial with the BBP team. This màde me stressed as I was still far from my daily SLP quota which is 75 Daily.


Good thing, there is a good scholar who thought me the combos and strategies of my Axie team, her username was Carz. He has a good friend that is already pro in playing Axie and it helps me a lot.

I slept late at night like 2 AM just to grind on achieving my daily quota before it reset on 8 AM on our PH time zone, and I was glad I did it.

Second-day playing Axie


The second day of playing Axie is not that taking my time so much as I am a familiar with the game a little bit. If I were to total, I think I only spent 5hrs playing it. Of course, it takes longer. I didn't play it continuously because you know I have a lot of stuff to do.

I was able to make some noise and publish an article yesterday, although it was all drafted, I wasn't able to publish on my first day playing Axie because I was too focused and anxious on reaching my daily quota.


Closing Thoughts

Adding Axie to my schedule is not that bad at all, it was only on the first day because I was having a hard time playing.

Although my MMR is still low, I hope in the next coming days I can up it back to 1k plus so I can have more SLP if I won battles in Arena.

I am still adjusting to the game tho, unlike Splinterlands that I don't pressure myself in playing Axie is different. I have to meet the daily quota because I am Scholar. The coach said we were in 2 weeks' trials, but as long as we can achieve a daily quota or more our scholarship standing will continue.

Thank you for reading!

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