The story of Marine Axies as a guild. Part 1: the story.


Hi! Chuntaro here narrating from Argentina, telling you about my guild is basically my way of telling my story with this game and some sort of guide for you if you want to do a scholarship program for your friends.

But if i post here all the stuff this would be like fifty pages long? so, let's start with the actual story.

Everything started when i started seeing random people talking about something called Axies in twitter, and the curiosity got into me.

So, after digging for some time i found a scholarship program where i started with a friend. And after a few days we got the same goal:
Not only we wanted to get our own team but we wanted to create a team of axies for every one of our friends.
So, how did we approach something that is literally gigantic if you don't have the resources? We started thinkering. And we brew a strategy that ended up giving us the lovely name of our guild.

We decided that we would breed Aqua Axies. Why? Because it was pretty easy to get a pretty decent Axie no matter the combination of skills you get. And if we wanted to be the cool kids in the block, we needed a thematic name, so we called our Discord Server "Axies Marinos" (Marine Axies).

With time we reached our objective, but now we are spending all of our energy/cash to update our teams because this season wasn't pretty nice with the poor fishes. But we are happy with our outcome and situation, now our group got a nice and lovely extra income and we share our stories about the game and have something to talk literally all the time.

So, this is a short story of my group of friends and i with this game we love so much and changed our lives for the best. Next time imma make a list of pro tips we learned along the way. Hope you liked the read.♥

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