A starter guide for a starter Axie Player: The basics.

Starting Axie infinity can be an uphill battle, but dosn't have to be. Axie infinity is an hibrid between a turn-based RPG and a TCG (Trading Card Game) and as such it demands from you from both sides.
So, let's start by formating this a bit. If you don't know nothing about how to play Axie infinity, this is your guide, i will be making more advanced ones in the near future, but for now let's go with the absolute basic concepts.


First of energy account:

  1. Your account has 20 energy by default (or 40 and 60 if you own a lot of axies) that you can expend either on:

  2. Adventure Mode where you earn SLP by playing against the game's I.A.. If you use energy there, you will earn Experience Points (or X.P.) to level up your Axies in Adventure (against players, your axies are always lvl. 1 but as long as you didn't reach the cap. of the day you can earn SLP even without energy.

  3. Arena Mode where you play against human players who are trying to earn slp just like you. You will fight against similar ranked players as you based on your MMR (matchmaking rank, it's showed with a cup icon in the game) and will earn SLP based in your MMR. ranging from nothing to up 21 SLP per win! if you are that good. Here every time you play you will put your rank on the line but only earn SLP if you spend energy to play.

The third way to earn SLP is by doing your daily quest. dailyquest.png

It's pretty straighforward, you need to win 5 times against other players and 10 times in Adventure. So your goal is to level up enough to earn 50 SLP in adventure (the maximum amount) in 10 matches and after that, your daily sessions should be playing 20 times in Arena then 10 in Adventure.

So, now that that is out of the way, let's jump into explaining how the game is actually played!


There are a few things to unpack here.
First of all, a turn is divided in two moments: You playing your cards and the entire turn resolving. You will play your turn "blindly" since you don't know what your enemy will do until it's done.
In what order the cards are gonna be played? In order decided by the speed of the Axies. The bar in the top of the screen shows you the order in wich the Axies will act.
And in fact, the order of the Axies in the fight decides who you will be attacking and wich of your Axies will be attacked first.

But you just can't play whatever you have. You start with a fix amount of cards in hand and 3 energy, and after that, every turn you generate 2 energy and draw 3 cards.
So knowing what to play and when to play is the meat and bone of the story. Take my words of advice: you don't learn how to be a great Axie infinity player in a few days, it takes time.

The cards (or skills) of your Axies does different things, they have different amount of energy cost (from 0 to 2), they have different effects and give your Axies different ammounts of armor and attack. (Your armor dissipates at the end of the turn, so knowing when to pop a card for it's armor it's really important).

So, let's recap:
Axie infinity is a turn based card game where your Axies does in every turn whatever card you give them to act, attack in order of speed and attack the closer enemy in sight (unless a skill says otherwise). You need to control your hand size and energy ammount to make the most in your battles.

And let's add one more thing before we pack up. The stats and skills of your Axies are determined by the parts (or nature of your Axies). An Axie is made up of 7 things, it's race and it's 6 parts.
The race determine the base stats of your Axies.
The sixs parts are: Eyes, ears, mouth, horn, back and tail.

Of this six parts, the first two gives them only stats but the other ones also gives them one skill each.

So your deck of cards it's the sum of all your Axie skills (two copies each one) and when you run out of cards, your used cards go back to the deck and got reshuffled.

There are still things to keep explaining but we will wrap it up here. If you want me to go in detail about the basics, leave a comment and i will make it!

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