Today was the most frustrating day ever.

To begin with I literally lost 15 out of 20 games without even a slightest possibility of winning.

Like how?

I was short by 3 HP. Hmm seems legit.

How about this one?

Like I wanted to cry at one point. You know that feeling when you don't know what to do?

I wasn't sure If I wanna throw my phone out of the window or I wanna throw myself. Aaaa

What the fuck is this, what have I done?

Seems the only #SLP I've earned is from the adventures 😂😂 fucking pathetic.

No wonder I have a moron in my name.

I need to get myself a new beast or a termi. It triggeres me that I lose most of my game due to being slower than the opponent. If I manage to get my hands on a stronger axie, who knows, maybe I start climbing the ladder again.

I'm not sure if it's the match making or something else, but one day I'm winning all day and the other day I'm losing like crazy. Something similar to league of legends.

Oh, look at this team.

What is this cancer team?

How am I supposed to compete?


Welcome to the daily frustrations by a moron.

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