RE: It amazes me - Photography by LightCaptured

Neat :)))
I couldn't agree more. My stuff that I think would be most sold, some of them have zero downloads, LMAO.

I've been boycotting shutterstock since they decreased the contributor cut a couple of years ago, I don't upload new stuff and once they start selling a particular picture too often for a dime, a remove it :) I believe their search engine is more like "upload new stuff and we push your shit up the visibility ladder" as I barely reach the payment threshold twice an year ;) and it was different when I was uploading new photos regularly.

With Adobe and Alamy I think it's more realistic, you sell what people really need, I love how Alamy shows you the purpose. I think I already have a few hundred of my visual set for sell exclusively there. Their contributor's cut looks fair, still.

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