Second Color Dev, 400 ISO Fujifilm

Color film.... Ugh... Color film.... Why must you be such a demanding partner?

These days it's super hip to go out there and shoot expired film "just to see what it does". It does fun things for other people, but for me I'm not so sure. Maybe it's my development, maybe it's the scanner. Whatever it is, I'm not sure I can claim some great artistic quality to the end product.

Same photo, no color correction:

My mom gave me a dozen or so rolls during my Christmas visit. Since then, I've been waiting impatiently to try it out. I had to get through the roll I bought with my Samsung camera first. I posted those shots a few weeks ago.

The photos here are a few from a roll of Fuji Experia 400 taken with that Samsung camera around downtown Jax.

I think the camera performs admirablely, but I wish I knew the expiration date of the film, so I knew what to expect. There is no adjustmenr for ISO unfortunately, so the camera always shoots at box speed. This makes it difficult to adjust for expired film.

From what I have read and heard on various photography podcasts, the lower the speed of the film, the slower the degradation and the lesser the necessary adjustments. This 400 ISO proved that when compared to 800 ISO in a different camera (more on that later this week). Shooting at box speed did relatively well, especially in sunny conditions.

Maybe I do like the results, in some kind of messy way they have a nostalgic feel to them. It helps to use color correction in the scanning process, although it does mean that scanning a dozen frames takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

Now I just have to figure out a better way to load the reel so I don't end up with errors like this:

What do you think? Should I try fresh film and compare the two? Perhaps I will....






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