Pika Pika

Addiction is one hell of a drug...

This beautiful camera popped up on my favorite auction site and I absolutely had to have it. Two things I'm pretty obsessed with, combined together into one awesome piece of plastic?! Yes please!

It is a standard point and shoot, with nothing to adjust other than perhaps waiting for the flash to charge. After 24 years I was pleasantly shocked to find the flash still fires.

The only thing non standard about it is the fact that it superimposes all 151 Pokémon (as of 1999) onto each frame. It does this with a random piece of interior plastic set between the film and the shutter.

If you strain your eyes you can kinda make out the tiny pocket monsters all around the edge.

It also came loaded with a roll of film, completely unknown to me. The counter was set to 1, so I figured I'd give it a try and see what came out. Unfortunately, the counter kept going after the 24 shots were supposed to be done.

Also included was this tiny little pouch, fun.

After shooting "29" shots, I ended up opening the back to see what was going on. I figured it wasn't loaded right and I was probably shooting away into an empty camera. Instead, I found a torn sprocket that was allowing the winder to keep going around and around.

I figured I ruined the film, but I decided to develop it and see what would come out. I was pleasantly surprised to see a few came out. Sure, they look like complete crap, but hey, there are images!

This is the great adventure of film. Surprises and disappointments are par for the course.

If there's a next time, I'll have to load up some new film. I dunno. It's gimmicky. Is it worth a 24 exposure roll? I have found a ten exposure roll but it was in black and white. Someone needs to make a 12 shot roll of color 35mm!

Go, Hivians, make it happen.






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