Goth Emotions

I know there are clichés in photography, but sometimes I just can't help myself. I love blur, especially motion blur. Simple "out of focus because I don't know how to use a lens" blur, not so much.

But really, in a dark room filled with flashing lights and whirling, writhing bodies, it is damn near impossible to prevent it. Perhaps with a wiiiiide open lens I could get the speed down below 1/80th of a second. But with what I have I can't get wider than f4.0.

For awhile I was trying to keep the ISO at a reasonably low number to mimic my film camera, which I also brought but pretty much gave up on after a few shots. When I get through the roll I'll definitely post if anything came out.

After awhile I set the dial to aperture priority and let the camera decide both the shutter speed and ISO up to 26000 or so. If I was so concerned with mimicking film I may as well have a bit of "grain" to my images.

In case you're wondering, this is "Goth Night" at Myth Nightclub in Jacksonville. It's not my scene per se, but they have free vendor table spaces so it's a great place to sell our off the wall craft goodies. This particular time we had to set up inside the club due to rain outside, which put me up right in the action.

Overall, I like what I got, though there are over 200 more that just look like garbage. My goal was to catch candod emotions and interesting characters. Perhaps that's a cliché too. I don't know anymore. I just take what I want.

I do welcome critique though. So go ahead and destroy me 😂

All photos are taken with my Nikon D5500 with either the standard lens or a 250 lens.






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