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"The best camera to use is the one you have with you." Or so the saying goes. While I have been dipping into film lately I still carry around my trusty digital Kodak EasyShare C813 for on the go shots.

It's pretty rare to see people carrying around a point and shoot these days. Cameras are still ubiquitous though, tucked into everyone's pocket in the form of their smartphone. My phone, however, doesn't have its camera anymore, thanks to a shattered lens.

So when I can't bring my film or DSLR cameras, I carry my little Kodak instead. I think it takes better photos than my phone anyways. But it does get a lot of weird looks!

These were taken at work the other day. I couldn't resist the clouds and reflections on the water. I wanted to get the best I could out of the little p&s so I snapped away from multiple angles with as many setting tweaks as it would allow.

Despite being a 15 year old digital camera, it's 8.2 megapixels perform quite well if I do say so myself. Don't be afraid to try any old cameras, even the old digital ones. You might like the results, or you might just like the attention when people notice that you aren't just holding up a phone!





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