Who is King Uzziah And Lessons To Be Learned


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Romans Chapter 15:3 rightly explained that the events and writings recorded in the Bible are lessons to us. Truly, those events and words are real and recorded as a relevant records to educate us. Their good examples are imitated while the wrong ones are totally ignored. Such records are cleared written for lessons for us.

One of the Judean king under the lineage of Davidic kingship. King Uzziah was crowned and enthroned when he was a young man. 2 Chronicles Chapter 26:1-5 indicated that he was barely sixteen years but he did excellently like the rebuilding of many Israelite towns and temple. He encouraged true worship and his people to do the right things. He followed the footsteps of his father, Amaziah who really did great jobs and make a good name.

One of the factors that encourage young king Uzziah to do great work at such tender ages was his good relationship with good friends like Zechariah who teaches him to fear God and keep his words. Uzziah lived a lovely life and everyone really enjoyed his early reigns. The good name, King Uzziah make get God's approval and blessings.

Good Lessons To Be Learned From Him.

In his days, there's a great turmoil in the lands. Every nations around that part of the world are war for supremacy. Nations get attacked by others in order to extend their rules and dominion. Because of his gentle and humble nature, King Uzziah win many wars and protect his kingdom against other external forces. He destroyed their influences and abilities to keep his people very safe and blessed. None of their enemy nations had access to his kingdom and dominion. They enjoy peace and prosperity that follows but all of these peaceful atmosphere was because of obedience and respect to their heavenly father. They are very happy and satisfied when other nations are at war with each other.

Being humble and gentle towards all, is very important as it makes us unique and special. It never a weakness but greatness that should be imitated as our lifestyle. We will make good names and have good relationships with others. It keeps us safe and away from unimportant strife and crisis. Having such right deposition, helps us and improves our relationship with our heavenly father.

Warning From His Mistakes And Lessons.

Being the number one citizen of his kingdom, he decides and impact on other's lives and decisions. Such relevant position as the king of his kingdom, he possess great power and influence which can be improve their lives and mark their existence. He became intoxicated with absolute power and makes mistakes. He abused such elevated position and brings ruin to himself.

Being king, he failed to recognize his limitations but assumed other people's roles. In God's way of doing things, king and prints have their separate roles. King Uzziah enter the temple and burn incense which is the role of the priest. When High Priest Azariah try to correct and readjust him but he was angry but continued in such act. God strikes him with leprosy instantly as his sign of disapproval. His disobedience lead to his sickness and death.


Having good friends can improve our decisions and relationships with our heavenly father. We should choose them wisely. Being humble can help us to accept direction and support from others.

Disobedience brings great pains and deaths. Knowing the limitations can improve our worth and decisions. It improves our relationship with God and brings his blessings

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