What A Weekend...

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The past few days have been awesome!

Lots of study! Lots of scripture! And lots of Jesus :)

It started on Friday night, when the Revelation Now seminar got started!

We've been watching it together inside of Discord and so far, the feedback has been great. @jangle has been enjoying it and has been sharing the event on social media as well as recommending to her family to come and check it out...


Our family has been watching it in our living room and have Pastor Doug up on the big screen ;)

So much content, awesome scripture and a timely message...

Tonight is day #4 of the event, so be sure to hang out with us and join our little nightly watch parties!

Speaking of getting together...

Saturday evening bible study was fantastic!

And wow, what a turn out...

We had 8 people total join us for our first dive into scripture with the plans of getting into the Book of Acts this upcoming Saturday evening!

This past Saturday, was all about getting to know one another...From hearing testimony to diving into favorite verses, we thought this would be a great way to break the ice let's say...

We're still planning how to tackle our first study of Acts, so if you have any ideas...We'd love to hear it :)

What are you waiting for???

Let's get together and learn about scripture together!

And what a wonderful savior we serve!

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