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How I Fail As A Christian...

Christians are quite an interesting bunch....

Before I start throwing shade at my fellow believers in Christ, let me clearly state...I'm pointing the finger directly at myself. Big time. Because let me know if this hits sounds like something we all might be guilty of.

We like to think, we are are saved! We are going straight to heaven. We are a peculiar people. Everyone else is wrong, we are right and prance around with some ego and pride puffed up for the world to see.

Sound like some popular Christians you may know?

So I was driving to work tonight and was listening to a sermon...And what the preacher was talking about was a huge gut check for me, and I hope it can be for you as well.

Here's a paraphrase of what was presenter:

"We like to say 'wow' when we learn something about the bible or God. We love to memorize scripture. We love to show the world how much we know....But that Christianity is feeble. Do we read the same 28th chapter of Matthew? We are to GO to the world! We are to show the world what God has done for us!"

The main point that he was trying to make is that all the knowledge of God is absolutely useless, if we are not doing something with it. Are we saved by works? Absolutely not. But faith without works is dead!!

Works is the fruit of BEING saved. And something I fail at miserably as a Christian is actually DOING Christ like activities.

Am I helping social programs that help others less fortunate? Nope.

Am I out there talking to people face to face about God? Nope.

Am I helping others, feeding others, serving others? Nope.

And if I do any of these things, even in some small way, I can do more. Here's my hang up with this, I do believe we are living in the end times. I do believe that Jesus will be coming again soon.

When He does, time is up. What will the records in heaven show about my life here on earth? Saved through Jesus, but what are the fruits of the spirit? What are the fruits I'm bearing?

That's a prayer I'm praying tonight. Big time. You see, this is something I truly need in my life to bear good fruits. And sure, we can pat ourself on the back for all these things we might be accomplish....But that's not Christian at all.

By His will, not mine!

I know I can become more. Through the Holy Spirit. With a lot of prayer and actually putting what I'm learning into action. What's funny, this is something I used to 'teach' my clients and customers over the years....

Don't just learn all this stuff, actually do something with what you are learning. And I think this message for Christians can hold a lot of weight as well. And no, this isn't saved by works. This is works because we are saved. And sanctification is a life long adventure.

We just need to put this amazing grace we are being blessed with, into action!