Give Them Their Flowers

Another one of these weird Jongo thoughts on a Wednesday night...

With my new job that I have, there are days during the week that I end up staying in a hotel for a few nights. It's not that I live too far away from my store, but it's still about 3 plus hours a day of commuting. Some days, I just don't feel like spending these hours on the road, so I grab a place to stay each week.

When I get these nights at the hotel, I'm usually catching up on sleeping (without my kids waking me up all hours of the night!) But before I head to bed, I catch up on some reading and have plenty of time to just....Think.

Tonight, while deep in thought I thought it would be a good idea to touch base with a few of my long time friends. And when I say long time, I'm talking decades and decades of friendship.

And what is sad is that after weddings, the next time a lot of us will get together again is....At funerals.

It's a morbid thought but when you reach this age there's plenty to keep us busy and keepign us from hanging out in person...

Kids, jobs, change of careers, distance, health issues, you name it.

It's a lot harder to get together with your 'day ones' when this life thing keeps showing up :)

So when I get the chance, I always like to reach out and just let these brothers of mine know, that I'm thinking about them.

You hear it a lot, we shouldn't just celebrate our friends an family when someone passes away. Now is the time to celebrate them!

Look, I'm not the guy to be taking much life advice from...Have you seen my track record?

However, I think it's really important to reach out to loved ones and just let them know...That you are thinking about them.

The kids call it 'giving them their flowers' now, rather than when they pass away. So make sure you do it...A lot!

We never know when our last day on the planet is, or when our friends and family's are either. So now is the time to let people know, you care.

The older we get, I think it gets more and more important to do that.


Nothing too deep tonight, nothing religious either, and no crypto content to be seen....Just some advice that you can take, coming from a guy sitting in a hotel room, thinking about how many amazing people have been in my life over the years!

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