Guided Prayer


"Then you will call upon me and come back and pray to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Guided prayer suggestions:

  1. What would you like to talk with God about in this moment? What care or joy do you want to welcome Him into?

  2. Tell God how you feel. Ask Him your questions. Ask Him for whatever you desire in the moment. Often writing your feelings, questions or thoughts out can help keep them sorted a bit better.

  3. Ask God for His heart on your feeling, question or thought. Pay attention to any way He chooses to respond. It could simply be a sense of His presence. It could be a phrase, image or idea. Know that God himself dwells within you. Trust that he will speak to you in the perfect way.

  4. Write down or mull over what it is you sense Him saying. Take a moment to rest in the reality of His response and allow it to sink from your head to your heart.

These are guided suggestions from my study plan I'm working on. It's just suggestions that I find work for me. The most important part is that you come to Him in prayer with an open heart and continue to talk with God so you can discover the goodness of having a continual conversation with your heavenly Father.

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