#monomad challenge for today - Spa Time Vol.1

Hello and welcome back to the whole #monomad nation. Who doesn't like a spa? Especially after a long and hardworking week when you can feel the heaviness of your body. Just a visit to the spa and a day or two off is a recipe to regenerate yourself and be back in the game. What is so special about the spas? If you ask me it must be that tranquil feel and of course regenerative body massages. There are many techniques and styles of massages but the result is the same. Regeneration of your muscle tissues and relief of tension. And that is the thing we need - a relief of tension. Here is our first gallery dedicated to spas and more will come in the future. Reasonably all in black and white just like it should be for this #monomad contest. Have a nice week ahead and don't forget about yourselves.

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