Monomad - the lemons that the life gave us


Hello everyone!

How are you guys? I hope you are all fine. I did not sleep well at night. That's why I'm a little sleepy. I had to run to get to work. But still no problem. I'm doing fine! :) I went out with my girlfriend last night. And I read an article outside: "When life gives you lemons, make something sweet!" Don't you think it's a great word? When I read this sentence, an incident that happened to me over the weekend came to my mind. And I want to share that with you. I hope I don't bore you. :)


It was my cousin's wedding that weekend. And unfortunately it was quite an eventful wedding. Every country, every region has different wedding customs. I'm sure you have different customs too. I always say that I live in Turkey. Wedding culture is very important to us. And we have a really wide variety of wedding customs. And these customs vary from region to region. For example, have you ever heard of the henna night? We organize a henna night before the wedding. And it's pretty fun. Saturday evening my cousin had a henna night. Everything was great. As the girls' side, we really envied this night. The day after the henna night, we have a tradition called bridal taking. The male side, the groom and his family, comes and takes the bride from her family's house. There is an orchestra during this ceremony. It is danced. And the wedding dinner is eaten. All good so far, right? This is where things get messy. During the reception, the bride is locked in a room. And a person waits in front of the door where the bride is. This person is usually the bride's sister, if any. The groom and his family are asked for money to take the bride out. In fact, this money is not a large amount. One that sticks purely for fun. But unfortunately the groom and his family did not accept our custom. And they made a scene there. A big fight broke out all of a sudden. The bride, my cousin, cried all night. The wedding was pretty unhappy. And we are very sad.


As a result, when I read yesterday's article, I thought of my cousin's wedding and I wanted to share it with you. Unfortunately, the groom and his family did not use the lemons life had given them to make something sweet. However, it was something to laugh at. The issue there was not money. It was just for fun. But they thought we wanted to extort money from them and they started a fight. I hope this incident doesn't cause any problems in my cousin's marriage. And I hope they will be very happy. What would you do if something like this happened to you? Or what is your most interesting wedding tradition? I would be very happy if you write this to me. See you in the next post. I wish you pleasant days.

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