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A-ZPhoto Initiative- "B Letter"


AZPhoto is a challenge, an initiative I purpose to you, photolovers.
I wanna invite you to share a photo, a lot of phot about places, moment, town and so on starting from each letter of the alphabet.
It is very simple but challenging in my opinion.
In this covid time it's important to "travel" with our mind!

Today is the moment of the letter:


Following the rules are simple and I'll summarize them:

  • Every day, with a dedicated post, I will show you the letter of the alphabet protagonist of the challenge
  • Write a post in which you indicate from 1 to 3 Photo, preferably yours or without copyright.
  • Each photo will be referred to a place, a town, a nation, a city, a region, a monument with the name starting with the letter itself (for example: for the day with "V" you can share a photo from Vietnam or Venice o Vancouver)
  • In your post use the tag "azphoto"
  • At the bottom of your post tag a user you would like to invite to participate (a friend, a stranger, a member of your community and so on) in order to have a lot of people who share their moment, their favourite places in the wordl
  • The content of the post is very, very free. Talk about the place, the phot, the tecnique. It's up to you.
    My purpose is to create interactions not reward system because if we will try to be a community worldwide we can teach and learn a lot from each other
    You can post in any community or on your blog.