Coffee Morning Ramble - Dive shop in Ruins - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

Every morning I like to have a coffee and make a morning post on the #hive. It kind of keeps me in focus and gets my mind in gear. The morning coffee ramble changes it's format from time to time and I like to mix it up a bit, change it's look and generally have fun with it.


Recently, as the dive shop I have been running for 7 years is being torn down around me, things have felt a bit like groundhog day. Everyday I seem to be sitting in the middle of a bomb site as it's torn down piece by piece. I honestly wished I'd left and not been around to see it but that's not how things have worked out. I kind of need to be around during this transition period and it will continue, I believe, for a while after I am gone.

I am looking forward to moving on from all of this as it's quite depressing and not really doing me any good being around for it. Only 7 weeks to go.


Our dive shop bar must have been built on some sort of holy ground as the moment it was torn down the weather has been awful. Constant torrential rain angry weather and rough seas. We have clearly angered the gods 😉.

I am going to see if I can appease the gods now with an offering of pizza and see if that works. If it doesn't well.... you can't go wrong with pizza can you?

Stay safe out there people, wherever you may be on this planet of ours



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