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Monomad Challenge : A Keg Cooler Built in 1870


My entry for the #monomad challenge.

This is my third set of images taken for the challenge. I decided to focus on an old potato cellar built into the ground beneath a historic mansion erected in 1870. Since it was attached to a brewery, the cellar later became a keg cooler for brewery executive meetings in the basement. I can only imagine what exactly transpired in this small space over the past +140 years; beer, beer, and more beer. All that energy, life, and who knows what else that occupied this space for +140 years...well, that is some history I dare say.

Someone had attempted to convert it into a newer cooler within the past 20 years, but like most things at this place, the project was left unfinished. Now it is storage space that most people have no idea exists. All the stories and history forgotten and faded away into time.

There was this odd piece of drawing on the back of a false door I stumbled upon as well:

Thanks for checking out this set! I used my Google Pixel 5 for the photography, and ran everything through Light Room Mobile to convert to B&W.