Natasha - Monomad

A few weeks ago, I was lucky to shoot in a local stately home called Wentworth Woodhouse.. Here's their website

It's a grand old house, with over 300 rooms and thank god we didn't have access to them all because I got enough daily steps in as it is.

Organised by another local photographer and collaborating with a dress shop, this is the second time I've shot here and I love it... It's very different to my usual stuff. However, if I'm honest, I'd love to shoot some art nude here....

Anyway... We had a few models over the course of the shoot, but on this post Ill feature Natasha.

Natasha's partner is also a photographer and she poses for him to test lighting etc. So she was well used to me faffing about getting the settings right.

However, sometimes I just like using the big massive natural light that the windows provide....

There's more to come, and I'll also probably (will) post some of these in colour, the dresses were fantastic....

I'm planning to organise another day there in the future.... Cos it's some place

About me:
Big lad with 2 moons orbiting him.. Usually found sat in front of a laptop screen bloody editing. Takes photo's of People, Military aviation and sometimes products.

48 year old bloke - I have a penis.. Act's more like an immature 15 year old.. Cos I can.

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