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Holly - Monomad

I've posted some other images from this shoot in a previous post in colour, which to be honest is what this set is made for... But, when I'm editing I always do a mono conversion of nearly every image.

This set works as well in the mono as it does the colour versions so I'm very happy with them.

I'd had the inspiration for this shoot maybe 2 or 3 years ago, but due to a number of factors - Covid and me being slack - mainly me being slack, we've only just got round to shooting it.

I teamed up with local Makeup artist - Bionda Sto and model Holly Lemin for this, with @bbphotography coming along for the ride, we had a really enjoyable few hours in Room3 studio in Grimsby.

Lighting using 3 ad200's.. 1 in a beauty dish as main, 1 in another dish from slighty behind the model to camera right - making a bit of rim and lighting the curved tri-flector which was under the models face and another jelled up in dark blue, lighting the backdrop - you cant see this on the mono conversions..

While using the angel wings wasn't part of the initial plan, they were in the car so we had a play and the feeling was that they worked.... Using these meant even more teamwork as Holly's mum Andrea also got involved..

Given that Holly had also had some artwork painted on her shoulders and chest, I didnt want the straps on the wings to cover or smudge it... So we thought out of the box and underneath out of view is Andrea holding up the wings.... This is one of the reasons that I ALWAYS let people bring a chaperone to shoots!! - They usually end up helping the shoot and that is never a bad thing!

Negative space... I used to do this a lot.. not so much these days but I do enjoy a shot like this..

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and any CC!!!!