Serie/ Architecture of my Havana #1

Hello dear Black And White community, today I want to start a series of photographs taken by me about the beautiful architecture of Havana, the capital of all Cubans. Show you its streets, buildings, parks and places of interest; and I wanted to start with black and white photos in one of the best photography communities, which are you.

Photo taken with my phone
El Capitolio

To begin with, we have El Capitolio, one of the most beautiful buildings built in this country, was completed in 1929 under the direction of the architect Eugenio Raynieri Piedra, under the mandate of then President Gerardo Machado. See more...

Photo taken with my phone
Grand Theatre of Havana Alicia Alonso

This is the Great Theater of Havana Alicia Alonso, home of the National Ballet of Cuba. This large building was inaugurated in 1914 to host the headquarters of the Galician Center in Havana, its architect was Pual Beleu with a Neo-Baroque architectural style. See more...

Photo taken with my phone
Museum of the Revolution

This building was built by the architects Rodolfo Maruri and Paul Belau, finally completed in 1920 after being built for another purpose, ending up being the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Cuba that year. See more…

Photo taken with my phone
Other buildings

These are other buildings created many years ago, now they are people's homes, some have very bad areas but they are still standing little by little lasting one year after another.

Bibliography extracted from wikipedia, with links in case you want to continue reading curious facts about any of these buildings...

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Black And White
By Miguel X.

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