Monomad : The petals motif on the fabric

The pure white color was taken in a monochrome image for a #monomad challenge, wild flower petals being the guideline for embroidering patterned fabrics.

Cloudy skies do not mean it will rain, The words become parables in terms of suppose, as well as the chirping sound when the breeze shakes the grass and flowers in a humid place. Beautiful little flowers are always the best panorama from a point of view, that situation can conjure up a more diverse view with its sustainability.

Small needles are knitted needles that are deliberately prepared as equipment for embroidery, this type of flower petals as motifs on batik cloth with traditional characteristics and patterns that are often used on floral-patterned fabrics and sarongs.



This morning by chance, a colleague of mine asked me to go out of town for a week, our trip was aimed at visiting a village where the tradition of embroidery is, there are many types of fabrics with various floral motifs, this type of flower is deliberately cultivated as an example of a pattern on the fabric.



We were able to witness firsthand the original appearance of the argora flower petals which are usually called by many people there. This is quite unique in that the pattern resembles a needle on the lip of a flowers.



I thought it was a type of wild grass flower but the people in the countryside deliberately cultivated it in some plastic pots, this type of argora flower as pattern art on batik cloth, it was really amazing.



I took over from the petals in bloom, this photoshoot is gorgeous in black and white. I do not imagine that the flowers of the weeds have the benefit of reflecting needs.



There are so many housing estates who work as embroiderers of flower-patterned fabrics, prepared in hundreds of layers of fabric in a day, these embroidery products are sold in the market at affordable prices.

TopicPhotography B&W

Thank you for walking with me in such a short time!!

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