Monomad challenge - BW spring flowers

I'm participating in the #monomad challenge with this post.

Title: BW spring flowers

It's the spring. calendar-wise, at least. Periods of heat and cold are frequently exchanged. The majority of the plants bloomed during the past two weeks due to the mild and sunny weather.

Cherry plums bloom timidly. Smaller trees release only a few flowers, while grown-up trees turn completely white.

Various small plants have also been blooming for a long time.

As well as various ornamental shrubs.

Uncut lawns are overgrown with dead nettle and shepherd's purse.

Of the fruits in our orchard, only apricots bloomed. Unfortunately, I probably won't eat them this year either, because today, after a relatively warm and sunny day, graupel, brought by a strong northwest wind, started to fall. Frost is expected tonight, which is definitely not good for apricots in bloom. I will definitely have to plant a late variety of this fruit as I haven't tasted it in five years due to the constant bad weather during flowering.

Our garden turned white in no time from this graupel precipitation. Fortunately, I don't expect any damage because mostly cold weather-resistant crops have sprouted.

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