Monomad challenge - BW - kittens

I'm participating in the #monomad challenge with this post.

Title: BW - Kittens

The four kitties still occupy Tziki at least once a day for milk. In addition to the food we give them, Tziki lets them suck her milk because that way they all calm down together and eventually fall asleep. We haven't named them yet, but we use various names to call or describe them.

The black female kitten we call Blacky or Gangula, because she is the craziest of them all. She is often able to fight with all the other kittens, even though she is the smallest.

The black and white kitten's working names are Strale and Sneaky. She is the most timid kitten of all and sneaks away quickly. Because of her timidity, she was the first to climb trees, and she hides the best of all.

The gray female kitten is just like her mother. The same color and fur patterns make her the only one who resembles her mother. We call it Siki. She seems smart and daring.

The only male kitten is gray-white in color, and we call him Tutti because he has a dull look. He is the biggest of all. At first, he behaved violently towards the other kittens, but eventually calmed down. Now he would just cuddle and scratch.

Unfortunately, we will most likely have to give them away because we have moved to an apartment where we are not able to keep them.

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