Monomad challenge - BW - Flowers

I'm participating in the #monomad challenge with this post.

Title: BW - Flowers

I discovered that there are still flowers during my walk today. Mostly dandelions bloom, as well as various small flowers. No wonder, considering the weather conditions.

Starting tomorrow, there will be a change in place. With snow and below-freezing temps, winter should finally arrive. Ultimately, these blossoms will slumber through the winter.

All year round, I take a lot of pictures of flowers. The majority of blooming plants go into bloom around the second part of April, with the length of the bloom varying depending on the type of plant and the weather.

Today, however, I did not dedicate myself to photographing flowers but to processing photos with flowers that I took last year. I neglected that part of photography for a long time.

Although I use photo editing tools, I often do it minimally and very quickly, not paying attention to details and usually not knowing what I want with a particular photo. I've been learning photo editing intensively for a few days now, and I'd like to share some edited flower photos with you.

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