Por la Paz en Marabana / For Peace in Marabana - MONOMAD CHALLENGE | 5 | 馃嚜馃嚫 馃嚞馃嚙

Saludos, hivers de Black and White,

M谩s de 600 maratonistas de 51 pa铆ses corrieron por la Paz este a帽o en la capital de todos los cubanos. Fue una noble y bonita idea, impulsada por los organizadores del Marabana, evento que se realiza anualmente y que permite a los andarines competir en cuatro modalidades: Marat贸n de 42,195 Kms, Media Marat贸n de 21 Kms, y las carreras de 10 Kms y 5 Kms.

En realidad, desde que lleg贸 la pandemia de COVID-19 a Cuba, los fieles del Marabana no tomaban las calles de la Ciudad Maravilla as铆, como quien dice, por asalto. El a帽o pasado se realiz贸 la carrera, cuando ya se hab铆a controlado un poco la situaci贸n sanitaria, pero se hizo de manera simb贸lica, con una cantidad restringida de participantes.

Ahora se realiz贸 la Edici贸n No. 36 con mucho empuje y vigor, y una vez m谩s me encant贸 recorrer las calles de mi Habana, siguiendo la marat贸n, documentando la cita deportiva con mi Panasonic Lumix G10 y mi tel茅fono Xiaomi Redmi Note 10C.

Entonces decid铆 compartir estas capturas en el #MONOMAD Challenge de esta linda Comunidad y regalarles aquellos momentos que disfrut茅 como si fuera una maratonista m谩s.

Si quieren participar el pr贸ximo a帽o, ac谩 les dejo la p谩gina del evento.

Screen Shot 2022-11-28 at 9.48.43 PM.png

Banner hecho a partir de una captura de pantalla del sitio oficial


English Version

Greetings, Black and White hivers,

More than 600 marathoners from 51 countries ran for Peace this year in the capital of all Cubans. It was a noble and beautiful idea, promoted by the organizers of the Marabana, an event that takes place annually and allows walkers to compete in four modalities: Marathon of 42,195 Kms, Half Marathon of 21 Kms, and the 10 Kms and 5 Kms races.

Actually, since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Cuba, the Marabana faithful had not taken the streets of the Wonder City by assault, as it were. Last year the race was held when the health situation had been somewhat controlled, but it was done in a symbolic way, with a restricted number of participants.

Now Edition No. 36 was held with a lot of drive and vigor, and once again I was delighted to walk the streets of my Havana, following the marathon, documenting the sporting event with my Panasonic Lumix G10 and my Xiaomi Redmi Note 10C phone.

So I decided to share these captures in the #MONOMAD Challenge of this beautiful Community and give you those moments that I enjoyed as if I were another marathon runner.

If you want to participate next year, here is the event page.

Screen Shot 2022-11-28 at 9.48.43 PM.png

Banner made from a screenshot of the official site

  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)













Disen虄o sin ti虂tulo.gif

Separadores hechos en Canva / Dividers made in Canva
El GIF de la carrera lo hice con GIF Maker & GIF Editor App / The GIF of the race was made with the GIF Maker & GIF Editor App

  • Recomiendo ver este post por Peakd / I recommend to see this post by Peakd
1669684400569.jpg 1669695202414.jpgTomada de Facebook con el consentimiento del autor
Calixto, un amigo fotorreportero y yo. 脡l s铆 corre en Marabana. / Calixto, a photojournalist friend and I. He does run in Marabana. Un colega me captur贸 infraganti corriendo antes de llegar a la meta pero yo solo quer铆a hacer una foto / A colleague caught me red-handed running before I reached the finish line but I just wanted to take a picture.

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