Visiting the park to plan new photographs, my entry to today's Monomad Challenge.

For me, photography has a lot to do with trial and error, because although many times we have everything planned, in the end there are external elements that affect our final result we are looking for, so today I want to show a few pictures that I took the other day that I visited the park, because although I took full color pictures, I couldn't avoid taking pictures for the community I love.



When I saw this bench all I could think about was that I would like to be there reading a good book, or having a good time with someone special in my life, and I already thought about her, so in a few days I will go there again to have a good time.


I was surprised to see this little duck, he wasn't afraid of my presence and let me get pretty close, I almost came close to touching him, but I didn't want to invade his space too much.


The framing in this photo made me think it would be something good, too bad the park was about to close and no more people passed by to repeat the picture, so I must go back to take more similar pictures, maybe with another lens or in another position but with the same idea.



It was a bit difficult to get a good landscape shot because of the position of the sun and the contrast, and since I didn't have the tripod with me I didn't want to try to do an HDR, maybe next time.




With the low light I tried to take the picture of the ducks, my idea was to portray only the silhouette, I am not completely satisfied and with more light it would be much easier, but as the post is about showing my attempts and mistakes, in order to improve the scene, I think it is quite clear what I plan to improve the next time I go there.

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