Monomad || A hen with her chicks and a cat on the wood

Hello Black and White friends, how are you guys today, hopefully we are still in good health and can take part in activities smoothly.

On the occasion of this happy day I would like to re-post some pictures as a #monomad challenge curated by @monochromes .

I have been to several places and there I found two types of animals that are very beautiful, the first is that there is a hen playing with the chicks, the hen already has several children and she always takes care of her children then there some of the chicks climbed onto the female's body and I was very interested in getting some pictures of the chickens. Then after that I also prepared some pictures of cats that were on a piece of Big Wood in a small forest. Beside that there is a wood gathering place and when I went there I saw the cat was on the wood so I was interested to see the beauty of this cat and I took some pictures of the cat. As we know cats are also animals that are very easy to meet and cats are also very tame animals and and this animal is also a lot of people who want to cultivate it. All right friends, let's look at some of the pictures that I have prepared.

Those are some pictures of some chickens and a cat that I took, hopefully all friends will like the pictures that I have prepared. Thank you to all friends and see you later in my next post.

Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LocationAceh, Indonesia
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