Monomad Challenge: Many Moods, Self Portraits

Hello Hive!

I've missed this community:-)

Today, I felt grateful as I always do; on my Mum's birthday. We had a nice chat, filled with much laughter.
I love that woman dearly!
I don't have a nice recent photo of her, and I wouldn't dare share a bad one because she'd never forgive me; but believe me when I say we look just alike.

I on the other hand, have been through many phases and thankfully, I've reached the level where I couldn't give a hoot about whether I look perfect or not.

I've also been reflecting on my recent former life, and have gone through some photos where I captured different moods of myself.

I ask forgiveness in advance, please.

Photo 1:
Taking an essential time-out when provoked to wrath!

My mouth is naturally pouty and more pronounced when angered. However, these are moments when I need to recollect myself, breathe, and celebrate the spared life of my provoker.

I recall my childhood days when my dad would put a mirror in front my face when I was angry.

He'd say, "take a look at yourself, you need to see what you look like when you're angry."
I would see the reflection and suppress the laughter -- not a pretty sight.

Photo 2:
When I'm enjoying my coffee
and someone tries to feed me hogwash!


Poker face when necessary, but I'm known for a blank stare when someone tries to ram opinions down my throat. Here, my pleasant thoughts were interrupted and I'm bitting my tongue.

Don't you hate when that happens to you?

Photo 3:
Encounter with someone
who I know is trying to ~~~~fuck me over


And they know very well that I am aware. Pursed lips with unblinking eyes. Well, they might get an uncomfortable wink!

Photo 4:
The Avenger
Meticulously planning the perfect course of action.


I've always had a knack for executing the perfect revenge. A trait my parents and I acknowledged from an early age. I've done much self-improvement, and that trait remains dormant, for my own good.

Who takes revenge anyway?


As I said, it's been a lovely mellow day, and I'm in the process of drafting a proper blog, but just thought I'd stray to this.

How good are you at reading body language and expressions? Would you have guessed any of mine?

Thanks for stopping by;)

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