"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge" (Spa - Eng)

Era una noche lluviosa y yo regresaba a casa un poco tarde. Había estado haciendo un trabajo para la Universidad en casa de un compañero. Escuché un maullido. Una pelotita de pelos grises claros y oscuros entremezclados salió de no se dónde y con rapidez se subió a mi zapato.

Allí se subió y se enrrolló con total confianza hacia este humano al que veía por primera vez. No tuve alternativa: me lo llevé a casa.

It was a rainy night and I was returning home a little late. I had been doing some homework for the University at a friend's house. I heard a meow. A little ball of intermingled light and dark gray hairs came out from I don't know where and quickly climbed onto my shoe.

There it climbed up and curled up with complete confidence towards this human whom it was seeing for the first time. I had no choice: I took it home.

Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog y leer mi post. Espero que esta sea una semana llena de cosas buuenas para ti y tu familia. Dios te bendiga.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog and reading my post. I hope this be a week full of good things for you and your family. God bless you,

Your visit to my blog is very important to me, I hope you liked my photography work and leave with the intention of returning..

Fotos propias tomadas con celular Krip K55H /Own photos taken with Krip K55H Cell Phone

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