There's beauty in everything!

This is me, LightCaptured, wishing you a great new week and sharing some beauty that I've seen and "frozen" in time and space with my camera and lens. It is a special, manual lens, that requires some extra efforts to create a good picture. I am not even close to mastering it but now and then, I love the results it gives.

I hope you'll agree with me that beauty could be found everywhere.

Is that thingy even beautiful?

Let's zoom in a bit more ;)

You probably know by now how much I love Black & White or sometimes referred as Monochromatic photography. I have always believed that while Color Photography shows the external part of our world, Black and White Photography shows the soul, the inner hidden side of everything. Please consider the first photo of this post as my entry today to the established #monomad daily contest by the monochromes account and community and supported by the qurator account, thank you everyone for your hard and continuous efforts to build and grow this great community!

You are kindly invited and more than welcome to join "The Photographic Society" Community on HIVE here: @hive-142821, where photographers and enthusiasts share not only their works but also discuss concepts and techniques, and also some hot topics and news about our favorite art.

Thank you for your time and support, please check out below few other ways to encourage me in my endeavors and stay in touch!

You could get a license here for some of my visual works approved by the quality review team of Adobe, Inc.:

I use and recommend those services below, following my referral links is a win-win for both you and me:

Copyright: Light Captured
For licensing my photos, please contact me!


Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!

The divider I use in my posts I have created in Adobe Express.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column