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"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge".

"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge".

A before and after.

Here is my little daughter Sofia making her first butter cookies, but with my supervision so that everything goes well, however I can say that everything went well, she followed to the letter the recipe of that dessert recipe book, she was very excited and the best thing is that she is very focused on doing things.

I was with her in case she needed help but no, she really behaved very well making her cookies, but I must clarify that at the time of baking I did help her, I turned on the oven according to the instructions she was telling me and I also put the cookies in the oven for the time that the recipe said and then I took them out.

But the excitement was so great to see that her cookies were as she wanted them, she was very desperate that they were cold to eat, so she took some milk out of the fridge, poured her glass of milk and enjoyed her cookies.

Un antes y un después.

Aquí esta mi pequeña hija Sofía haciendo una galletas de mantequillas sus primeras galletas, pero con mi supervisión para que que todo le salga bien, sin embargo puedo decir que todo le salio bien siguió al pie de la letra la receta de ese libro de recetas de postre, ella estaba muy emocionada y lo mejor es que esta muy concentrada en hacer las cosas.

Yo estuve con ella por si necesitaba ayuda pero no, no la necesito ella de verdad se porto muy bien haciendo sus galletas, pero debo aclarar que al momento de hornear allí si la ayude, yo prendí el horno según las instrucciones que ella me estaba diciendo y también metí las galletas al horno esperamos el tiempo que decía la receta y luego las saque.

Pero la emoción fue tan grande al ver que sus galletas estaban como ella las quería, estaba muy desesperada que estuvieran frías para poder comer, así que saco leche de la nevera sirvió su vaso de leche y bueno a disfrutar de sus galletas.

Estas fotos fueron tomadas con un celular Samsung S4


This is my entry for the challenge #monomad, thanks for the initiative, I hope you like my work.

If you are interested in participating you just have to visit the account of @monochromes and participate in their contests that they do every day.

The following list is published in the contest posts.

(The daily topics are not mandatory anymore, but we will leave them here in case anyone needs some extra inspiration for any particular day)

Monday - Macro
Tuesday - Street
Wednesday - Abstract
Thursday - Animals
Friday - Flowers
Saturday - Silhouettes
Sunday - Skies

Follow the account of @monochromes

Thanks for visiting, I appreciate your opinion.

"In constant evolution".