The tea girl

Hello friends, today I publish another of my collaborations. This session was something completely improvised that made me remember the moments in which cowardice kept me away from my own essence and I tried to fulfill the expectations that were had of me, convincing myself that this was the right thing to do. The constant search for the acceptance of others is a lethal weapon for personal development. I have learned over the years to accept myself and show myself as I am, to allow myself to change what is not good for me and to gather the courage to do what I want. I am grateful for that and for everything human that is involved in that process.

The tea girl always wakes up at 5 pm, she is summoned by a subtle spirit that reminds her of her femininity.
She is a woman inundated with archaic prejudices and she has the same fragility as the cup she holds.
She hides her eyes from him for fear that his gaze will offend her.

She wanders among streets and broken people. but she always raises her head because that's how she was taught, and that's how she will do it until tea time is over.
She remains imprisoned in the sanctuaries of oblivion of the never again and the forever. She was left without a face, without a soul, without blood and without real memories. She stayed still and washed.

She was sculpted by her father's dreams and her mother's demands, a piece of meat without an iota of feelings, a defeated and obsolete character. She was someone who died a long time ago and only a subtle spirit can summon her at 5 in the afternoon. to fill the tea table once again.

#photography #cuba

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