
Hello hivers, today I am sharing a beautiful and relaxing afternoon of painting to release stress and satisfy my creative side. Although I do not have any training nor do I have great talent in the plastic arts, I love to let my thoughts and emotions flow through some of the artistic manifestations.

This time was the first time that someone witnessed my creative process in this sense, I mean that I had the company of two beings that I love very much and who are resentful members of this community, these people are @daysant and @alessvazz20 whom I owe these photos.

I must add that the image quality is not very good but it is only because the quality of the equipment does not match the talent and interesting optics of my friend, even so I think it is beautiful to share with you a moment in which I felt so good .

I appreciate being surrounded by people with so much human quality and I would love to continue meeting people like that in the future, I am fully sure that I will find them in Hive. thank you.

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